Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) Reports

In order to provide agricultural market intelligence, insight, and analysis of interest to exporters of U.S. agriculture, USDA Indonesia generates 21 scheduled public Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) reports annually. 

Besides the scheduled GAIN reports, USDA Indonesia may also generates time-critical public voluntary GAIN reports regarding important policy or market changes that is not covered by the scheduled GAIN reports.

Indonesia Climate Change Report

ID2023-0014 – Published on June 28, 2023

Indonesia is a key stakeholder and an active participant at global environmental fora. Home to a vast swathe of rainforest, Indonesia is ranked as the world’s tenth largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG), mainly due to land-use change and energy sector emissions. Indonesia is the world’s dominant producer and exporter of palm oil, which is a source of controversy in Indonesia’s environmental debate on the international stage. This report provides an overview of Indonesia’s key international climate change commitments and domestic policies, as well as U.S. government and USDA initiatives to partner with Indonesia on environmental initiatives.

Download the report