Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) Reports

In order to provide agricultural market intelligence, insight, and analysis of interest to exporters of U.S. agriculture, USDA Indonesia generates 21 scheduled public Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) reports annually. 

Besides the scheduled GAIN reports, USDA Indonesia may also generates time-critical public voluntary GAIN reports regarding important policy or market changes that is not covered by the scheduled GAIN reports.

Indonesian Quarantine Agency Notifies WTO on Requirements to Submit Prior Notice for the Export of All Agricultural Commodities

ID2024-0023 – Published on August 14, 2023

On July 4, 2024, the Indonesian Quarantine Agency (IQA) notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of their plans to issue a new regulation regarding Quarantine Documents and Seals under notification number G/SPS/N/IDN/149. The draft regulation has notable provisions which require that prior to a shipment’s departure from the port of embarkation, exporters of all agricultural commodities are required to submit “prior notice,” a document that includes requirements such as a Certificate of Analysis (COA) and information regarding a product’s GMO status, for every shipment. The IQA is accepting comments until September 2, 2024, and plans to provide further information in a public dissemination session close to the comment period deadline sometime in late August.

Download the report.