Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) Reports

In order to provide agricultural market intelligence, insight, and analysis of interest to exporters of U.S. agriculture, USDA Indonesia generates 21 scheduled public Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) reports annually. 

Besides the scheduled GAIN reports, USDA Indonesia may also generates time-critical public voluntary GAIN reports regarding important policy or market changes that is not covered by the scheduled GAIN reports.

Biofuels Annual

ID2023-0018 – Published on September 29, 2023

The introduction of E5 gasoline in July 2023 restarted Indonesia’s bioethanol consumption after years of inactivity, albeit to a modest start of an estimated 2 million liters for 2023 due to E5’s price premium in a price sensitive market. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s new B35 biodiesel blending mandate reached nationwide coverage in August 2023 and is expected to raise biodiesel consumption 25 percent to 13 billion liters. The government of Indonesia (GOI) continues to carry out tests for renewable diesel (HDRD) and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

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