Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) Reports

In order to provide agricultural market intelligence, insight, and analysis of interest to exporters of U.S. agriculture, USDA Indonesia generates 21 scheduled public Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) reports annually. 

Besides the scheduled GAIN reports, USDA Indonesia may also generates time-critical public voluntary GAIN reports regarding important policy or market changes that is not covered by the scheduled GAIN reports.

Grain and Feed Update

ID2023-0029 – Published on December 4, 2023

Economic slowdowns in Indonesia’s export destination countries negatively affected its imports and consumption of wheat. Wheat imports for 2022/23 are revised down to 9.446 million metric tons (MMT) from the previous estimate of 9.526 MMT, reflecting slower demand from both domestic and export markets. Total 2022/23 wheat consumption is estimated to decline to 9.6 MMT of wheat equivalent from 10.5 MMT the previous marketing year. As for rice, due to prolonged, El Nino-induced dryness, Indonesian 2022/23 paddy production is revised down to 53.1 MMT from the previous estimate of 53.5 MMT. Anticipating price fluctuations in 2023/24, the Government of Indonesia assigned state-owned enterprise BULOG to import another 1.5 MMT of rice to be carried out in 2024.

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